Sons of Cain
A History of Serial Killers from the Stone Age to
the Present
by Peter Vronsky
Before the term was coined in 1981, there were no
"serial killers." There were only "monsters"--killers society first
understood as werewolves, vampires, ghouls and witches or, later,
Hitchcockian psychos.
In Sons of Cain--a book that fills the gap between dry academic studies
and sensationalized true crime--investigative historian Peter Vronsky
examines our understanding of the history of serial killing from its
prehistoric anthropological evolutionary dimensions in the
pre-civilization era (c. 15,000 BC) to today. Delving further back into
human history and deeper into the human psyche than Serial
Killers--Vronsky's 2004 book, which has been called "the definitive
history of the phenomenon of serial murder"--he focuses strictly on
sexual serial killers: thrill killers who engage in murder, rape,
torture, cannibalism and necrophilia, as opposed to for-profit serial
killers, including hit men, or "political" serial killers, like
terrorists or genocidal murderers.
These sexual serial killers differ from all other serial killers in
their motives and their foundations. They are uniquely human and--as
popular culture has demonstrated--uniquely fascinating.
Sons of Cain: A History of Serial Killers from
the Stone Age to the Present explores the
evolution of serial murder in Western civilization from prehistoric
archeological-anthropological evidence, ancient and medieval court
records and accounts through to the rise of forensic sciences and
criminology in the 19th Century on the eve of the 1888 Jack The Ripper -
Whitechapel murders and into the 20th century in the 1950s when the
seeds for the so-called 1970-1980 "serial killer epidemic" were laid.
Vronsky argues that our concept of supernatural vampires and werewolves
closely follows the FBI's categorization of serial killers as either
"organized" or "disorganized" and presents evidence that killings in the
past attributed to supernatural monsters and lycanthropes were
perpetrated by very human lust serial killers and necrophiles.
Sons of Cain documents several "serial killer"
epidemics in past history, before the term "serial killer" entered
common usage in 1981, and argues that 19th century forensic
psychiatrist-alienists and criminologists substantially understood the
psychopathology of serial killers before Jack the Ripper and
had already performed rudimentary attempts at profiling these "monsters"
long before the term "serial killer" came into use. Sons
of Cain proposes that the roots of the
notorious so-called "golden age" serial killers of the
"epidemic" in the 1970s-1980s like John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy,
Arthur Shawcross, Ottis Toole, Edmund Kemper,
Gary Ridgway were shaped as children by repressed post-World War II and Cold War
societal and cultural trauma, fear and loathing.

PART 1 On the Origin of the Species: The
Evolution of Serial Killers
CHAPTER 1 - Serial Killers: A Brief Introduction to the Species
Coining the term “serial killer”
Categorizing Serial Killers
The serial killer surge in the 1970s-1980s
Close Encounters of the Third Kind with serial
Redefining serial killers
The new word: serial erotophonophilia
A new history of the world of monsters
CHAPTER 2 - Genesis: The Reptilian Zombie Serial Killer Triune
What makes a serial killer: the current theories
The 4-Fs of evolutionary survival and the triune
From reptilian rapist cannibals to civilized
citizen serial killers: the Big History of humans
The oldest cold case: the serial killing of the
Necrophobia and Deviant “Vampire Graves”
The techno-humanitarian balance hypothesis
The serial killer civilized
Psychopathia Sexualis: The
Psychology of the Lust Serial Killer in Civilized Society
Psychopathia Sexualis: the paraphilic
Raising Cain: making children into serial killers
De-stigmatizing “happy” paraphilics today
“Vandalized lovemaps”: from love to lust, from
child to paraphilic sex serial killer
From fantasy to reality: the cycle of acting out
compulsive serial killing fantasies
Going serial: chasing the ‘dragon’s tail’ of the
second kill addiction
Part II. Serial Killer
Chronicles: The Early Forensic History of Monsters
CHAPTER 4 - The Dawn of the Less-Dead:
Serial Killers and Modernity
Serial Killing and Leisure
The ancient aristocrat serial killers: blood lust
and power
Pre-modern serial killing: the routine life of
Serial killing: print media, industrial
urbanization, and the ‘administrative state’
The Dawn of the Less-Dead: “mimetic
Serial killer modern mobility and urbanization
CHAPTER 5 - Lupina insania: Criminalizing Werewolves
and Little Red Riding Hood as Victim, 1450–1650
The Werewolf lycanthrope
The Ancients on werewolves
Unity in crisis and the criminalization of the
Peter Stubbe “Werewolf of Bedburg”—Germany,
Pierre Bourgot and
Michel Vedung—France, 1521
Gille Garnier—France,
“Werewolf or Demon
Tailor of Chalon”—France, 1598
Jean Grenier—France, 1603
The Jean Grenier appeal and the forensics of
Defending serial lycanthropes
Clinical Lycantoropia-Lycomania Lupina
Little ‘Less-Dead’ Red Riding Hood: the emergence
of the prostitute as preferred victim
- Malleus Maleficarum: The Great Witch Hunt as a Serial-Killing
Woman Hunt
The real serial killing epidemic: witch
hunting or woman killing?
The “diabolist logic of torture trials”
The decline and waning of serial killers
The Rippers Before Jack: The Rise of Modern Serial Killers in
Europe, 1800–1887
Serial necrophile François Bertrand “The Vampire
of Montparnasse”, Paris, 1850
France’s First Modern Serial Killer: “The
Wolf” or “Killer of Servant Girls”, 1861
The brave new world like no other before
Martin Dumollard: profile of a serial killing
village creep
The first victim
The Capture of “The French Wolf”
The investigation and trial of the Dumollards
The psychopathology of Dumollard: simple robbery
or paraphilic sex crimes?
Dumollard vs. Albert DeSalvo, "The Boston
The Servant Girl Fetish
“The strategy of serialization”: transforming
Bichel into a serial killing fetish ripper
The “race of Bichels”
Giorgio Orsolano “The Hyena of St.
Giorgio” or “Cannibal Sausage Maker”—Italy 1832
Manuel Blanco
Romasanta “Werewolf of Allariz”—Spain 1852
Joseph Philippe “The Terror of
Paris”—France 1866
Eusebius Pieydagnelle “Blood
Butcher”—France 1870
Vincenzo Verzeni “The Vampire of
Bergamo”—Italy 1871
Carlino (Callisto) Grandi “The Child
Killer”—Italy, 1875
Juan Díaz de Garayo “El Sacamantecas”
(“The Fat Extractor”)—Spain 1879
CHAPTER 8 - Back in the U.S.A.: The Rise of the Modern
American Serial Killer
CHAPTER 9 - Slouching Toward Whitechapel: Sex Crimes in Britain
Before Jack the Ripper
PART III. The New Age of Monsters: The Rise of the
Modern Serial Killer
CHAPTER 10 - Raptor: Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel
Murders, 1888
The Canonical Five Jack the Ripper Murders
The ‘Sixth’ First Victim
Profiling Jack the Ripper in 1888
Jack the Ripper’s “Surgical Skill”
Profiling Jack the Ripper Today
Raptor: Geoprofiling Jack the Ripper and
Ockham’s razor
Diabolus in cultura:
“The insane dialogue of love and
death in the limitless presumption of appetite”
CHAPTER 11 - The French Ripper: The Forensics of Serial Murder
in the Belle Epoch, 1897
Joseph Vacher - “South-East Ripper” – “Killer of
Little Shepherds”—France, 1897
Émile Fourquet and linkage analysis
The Arrest
“The Jesuit”
Interviewing serial killers: the art and science
of interrogating psychopaths
Fourquet’s interview of Vacher
The question of sanity
The trial and execution of Joseph Vacher
CHAPTER 12 - Red Tide Rising: Serial Killers in the First Half
of the Twentieth Century, 1900–1950
The Global Rise of Serial Killers
Serial killing in the USA 1900-1950
The first American serial killer surge, 1911-1915
The 1916-1934 serial killer “interlude”
The second American serial killer surge,
Defining the “Ted Bundy-type” postmodern
sadist raffiné (genteel sadist), 1949
CHAPTER 13 - American Gothic: The “Golden Age” of Serial
Killers, 1950–2000
The Dawn of the Golden Age
The missing missing and the great serial
killer “epidemic”
Congress and the ‘serial killer epidemic’ 1981-83
The rise and decline of ViCAP (Violent Criminal
Apprehension Program)
Twilight of the Golden Age
CHAPTER 14 - Serial-Killing Rape Culture and the Sweats: The
“Greatest Generation” and Their Sons of Cain
World War II, as the last ‘good war’ and the
“Greatest Generation” that fought it
The postwar sadistic torture ‘sweats’ and true
detective pulps: “…a weird thing to do.”
“Tsunami of lust”: American G.I.s and rape in
Europe during World War II
American G.I.s in the Pacific and necrophilic
fetish war skull totems
The World War II Paternal Trauma-Induced Serial Killer
Epidemic Hypothesis
Killing for Culture
CONCLUSION - Pogo Syndrome: Thinking Herds of Crazies
in the Twilight of the Golden Age of Serial Killers
AFTERWORD: “Serial Killers Need Hugs Too”